La Tavola

Il Porticciolo
via Fortino, 40
Laveno-Mombello, VA 21014


The gastronomic restaurant is located on the lower floor of the hotel, in direct contact with the Lake. It was designed in this position because it is ideally the perfect meeting point between nature and cuisine, which is characterized by the use of local products and the best catch of the lake waters. Inaugurated in 2012 and led by chef Riccardo Bassetti, born in 1982 and Michelin Star since 2017, offers a gourmet cuisine that is divided into two tasting paths, Libero Pensiero and Oltre il Territorio, within which, in a progressive crescendo of flavors and experimentation, the chef tells the story of his territory through the cooking and preparation techniques learned at the court of the greatest masters of international cuisine, and reinterpreted once back in his native country, after long years of experience abroad.
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